Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Austrian Death Machine - Double Brutal

Austrian Death Machine - Double Brutal

Disk 1

1. Double Ahhnold
2. I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots, And Your Motorcycle
3. Let Off Some Steam Bennett
4. Who Writes the Songs? (The Real Bomb Track)
5. It's Simple, If It Jiggles It's Fat
6. See You At The Party Richter
7. Hey Cookie Monster, Nothing Is As Brutal As Neaahhh
8. Who Told You You Could Eat My Cookies?
9. Come On Cohaagen, Give Deez People Ehyar
10. Who Is Your Daddy, And What Does He 2?
11. Come On, Do It, Do It, Come On, Come On, Kill Me, Do It Now
12. Allow Me To Break The Ice
13. Conan, What Is Best In Life?

Disk 2

1. Intro To The Intro
2. T2 Theme
3. Hell Bent For Leather (Judas Priest)
4. Time Travel: The Metallica Conspiracy
5. Trapped Under Ice (Metallica)
6. Iron Fist (Motorhead)
7. Recalling Mars
8. I Turned Into A Martian (Misfits)
9. Killing Is My Business... And Business Is Good (Megadeth Cover)
10. Tactically Dangerous - Cannibal Commando
11. Gotta Go (Agnostic Front)

1. Double Ahhnold

Moderately funny opening track. Not music.

2. I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots, And Your Motorcycle

Wooo! Another song inspired by Terminator! This song is a masterpiece of thrashy goodness. From the opening riff I knew that I was going to love it. It, of coarse, uses the classic ADM song structure, Arnold voice, Arnold quote, a cascade or brootality unrivaled. I could listen to this stuff all day. I like this line in song better than the movie due to the fact that I don't have to see Arnold naked.

9/10 Awesome

3. Let Off Some Steam Bennett

This track is inspired by the movie commando. And I, not being a big fan of Commando, was disinclined to enjoy the song as much as I would a track with one of my favorite quotes. Ever since I saw the track listing for double brutal though I knew that Tim Lambesis was really grasping at straws for quotes. He kind of used all the best lines on Total Brutal. Overall this song was mediocre.

5/10 Average

4. Who Writes the Songs? (The Real Bomb Track)

Another comedic interlude. I feel as if the person doing the Arnold voice isn't as good as in the first album.

5. It's Simple, If It Jiggles It's Fat

This song is pretty brutal, but in a fun sort of way (as apposed to bone crushingly brutal). Its a Very short track is inspired by Pumping Iron. I really have no idea what Pumping Iron is... but this quote is hilarious and makes for great ADM lyrics.

8/10 Scintillating

6. See You At The Party Richter

I was really excited for this track. Total Recall is my favorite Arnold movie and the first ADM CD only had one Total Recall song (Screw You Benny). I knew it was going to be awesome from this first couple seconds. Any song that has the first line of, "I'm holding your bloody stumps" gets an A+ in my book. The song keeps me riveted to it with it's awesomeness, especially in the middle with the guitar solo.

9/10 Awesome

7. Hey Cookie Monster, Nothing Is As Brutal As Neaahhh

Lol dying moose. Arnold apparently thinks the singing sounds like cookie monster.

8. Who Told You You Could Eat My Cookies?

Its what we've all been waiting for, a Jingle All the Way track. I was very disappointed on the Christmas CD when all they had was Jingle Bells and not a Jingle All the Way quote. This song isn;t really something I expect from ADM. It was mostly low guitar jugga juggas instead of the high meedly meedlies I love. There was a nice solo in the middle though. I assume this was in an effort to make the song sound different than the rest (this issue was addressed in the first album).

7/10 Tasty

9. Come On Cohaagen, Give Deez People Ehyar

Yes! Another Total Recall quote. The opening was so awesome I felt it was an actually serious As I Lay Dying song. This song did have a small issue with repeating the quote a bit to many time though. It is a trend in the songs so far though. It doesn't bother me enough to make the song bad though.

8/10 Scintillating

10. Who Is Your Daddy, And What Does He 2?

I was scared that it was going to be another version of Who Is Your Daddy, but it was just another comedic interlude. I do think these are kind of funny but also that they are breaking into the flow of the record. Also they just become tracks to either delete to save space or just skip over when I listen to ADM .

11. Come On, Do It, Do It, Come On, Come On, Kill Me, Do It Now

This one is coming at you from Predator, which of coarse is one of the most brutal sci-fi movies ever. I was hoping it would be as brutal as the movie but was sadly disappointed. I'm not saying this track is bad, it just didn't live up to my expectations. Great shredding though, I definitely appreciate the guitar work that goes into these songs. It really makes up for the lack of lyrical diversity. My favorite part would have to be the line, "There is one more thing I'd like to say, and that is: NEEeeAAahhHHHuuUUUaaaUUUahhhH!"

6/10 Good

12. Allow Me To Break The Ice

Holy crap a Mr. Freeze pun. I loved Arnold in Batman and Robin, he was freaking hilarious. They gave him the most ridiculous ice jokes. This track really lived up to my expectations. Classic structure and great instrumental work equals solid track.

7/10 Tasty

13. Conan, What Is Best In Life?

Conan the Barbarian is coming to crush his enemies, see them driven before him, and hear the lamentation of their women. I do believe this is the best Arnold quote ever. Also one of the best ADM songs. This Conan line makes me feel like this is some sort of epic fantasy metal instead of ADM. Its just great.

9/10 Awesome

Overall: 7.55 out of 10
Worth the buy I'd say. If it didn't have the second disk of cover songs I might be a little more iffy about a purchase due to there being only 9 tracks of actual music. Stupid interludes.

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